Have you noticed the new marketing piece that some bottled water companies are touting? Smaller bottle caps, less plastic. How about stainless steel or plastic reusable water bottles and no plastic water bottles at all? Sorry bottled water companies, but it’s time. That was not an easy transition for us. We were water bottle addicts, buying the jumbo cases at the ginormous local warehouse shopping place. We would fill garbage bag after garbage bag with empty water bottles. But, hey, we made sure they got recycled!
And then our daughter did an intervention on us. She had quit the water bottle habit a few years ago and realized that we were entirely too dependent on those handy little plastic holders of H2O, not to mention the excess cash we were throwing into the garbage bags with the empty bottles. So she bought us each our own stainless steel water bottles and encouraged us to buy a filtered water pitcher. We did and we haven’t looked back. Was it easy? No. Some of us took longer to get with the program (I won’t mention any names) but eventually we weaned ourselves from the water bottle addiction. Will we change the world with our newfound habit? Not by ourselves, we won’t. But just think if one by one we each reduced our dependency on those plastic water bottles – would that make a difference? I think so. Smaller bottle caps? Come on!